IPMS NENY Scale Modeling Group
IPMS-NENY is based in the greater Capital District area of New York and has been a Chartered Chapter of IPMS/USA since 1970. We are an exceptionally informal and friendly group with a wide range of modeling interests and IPMS membership is not required.
Meetings offering the best of both worlds with monthly in-person meetings AND Zoom meetings!
In person meetings returned post-pandemic alongside our successful Zoom format. Enjoy the best of virtual and in person meeting formats as we continue to meet twice a month, once in person and once via Zoom, so now you can participate no matter where you live:
Join us for either or both meetings!
Visit the Meetings page for upcoming meeting dates and a sampling of what's been shared at past meetings to whet your modeling appetite.
Visit the Contact page for details about how to attend.
- Via Zoom on the first Thursday of the month, at 7 pm ET
- In person on the third Thursday of the month at the Empire State Aerosciences Museum in Glenville, NY, at 7 pm ET
Join us for either or both meetings!
Visit the Meetings page for upcoming meeting dates and a sampling of what's been shared at past meetings to whet your modeling appetite.
Visit the Contact page for details about how to attend.

The Sanford Cup Competition Returns!
The August, 2024 in-person meeting saw the return of the Sanford Cup competition after a five-year hiatus.
This award, inspired by the late Al Sanford’s excellence in modeling and good sense of humor, is presented to the NENY member whose work is voted to be the best model exhibited at the chapter’s yearly August (or thereabout) meeting.
It's a friendly competition (as friendly as possible when modelers compete for anything) and an opportunity for club members to put forward the model they are most proud of that they completed within the year following the latest competition.
Everyone attending the meeting gets to vote for the model they like best for any reason they deem valid, from masterly execution, to audacity of attempt, or just plain “wow, that’s so cool!” The winner takes the cup home for the year, gets his name added to it for posterity, and returns it to be awarded to the next year’s winner. Here's a PDF of the rules.
Visit the August 15, 2024 meeting post to see this year’s competing models and the winner.
The August, 2024 in-person meeting saw the return of the Sanford Cup competition after a five-year hiatus.
This award, inspired by the late Al Sanford’s excellence in modeling and good sense of humor, is presented to the NENY member whose work is voted to be the best model exhibited at the chapter’s yearly August (or thereabout) meeting.
It's a friendly competition (as friendly as possible when modelers compete for anything) and an opportunity for club members to put forward the model they are most proud of that they completed within the year following the latest competition.
Everyone attending the meeting gets to vote for the model they like best for any reason they deem valid, from masterly execution, to audacity of attempt, or just plain “wow, that’s so cool!” The winner takes the cup home for the year, gets his name added to it for posterity, and returns it to be awarded to the next year’s winner. Here's a PDF of the rules.
Visit the August 15, 2024 meeting post to see this year’s competing models and the winner.
From the More Distant Past
Noreastcon 2023 Held Saturday, April 29
Noreastcon returned to New York's Albany area for 2023, hosted by IPMS-NENY! The support we received from attendees, seminar presenters, vendors, our raffle table crew,volunteers, and outside sponsors all helped make the show a success. We've posted the contest results and slideshows of the entries. Visit the Noreastcon 2023 page for the contest results and slideshows. |
IPMS NENY member Art Loder named IPMS/USA 2022 Person of the Year!

At the IPMS 2022 Nationals Awards Presentation, our own "Great White Father" Art Loder was named IPMS/USA Person of the Year in recognition of his tireless recruitment efforts for the hobby, his unquenchable enthusiasm for the craft of scale modeling, and his 50+ years of leadership of IPMS NENY.
Art has been the creator and leader of IPMS NENY for over 50 years. He has continuously motivated and nurtured and inspired it’s members to build, to research and learn, to teach, to organize conventions to meet and share knowledge and skills with other modelers and to judge contests with skill and integrity. We owe individual and collective thanks for Art's generosity of spirit in sharing his knowledge, enthusiasm, and encouragement!
Read the full text of the encomium submitted in support of Art's nomination.
Read the definition of encomium.
Art has been the creator and leader of IPMS NENY for over 50 years. He has continuously motivated and nurtured and inspired it’s members to build, to research and learn, to teach, to organize conventions to meet and share knowledge and skills with other modelers and to judge contests with skill and integrity. We owe individual and collective thanks for Art's generosity of spirit in sharing his knowledge, enthusiasm, and encouragement!
Read the full text of the encomium submitted in support of Art's nomination.
Read the definition of encomium.
Noreastcon@50 in 2022
It was a great show and we thank everyone who attended, sponsored, and volunteered to make it happen! $500 Donated to UNICEF Ukrainian Relief for Children Fund Twenty percent of the proceeds from the Noreastcon@50 raffle were earmarked for Ukrainian relief and we added funds from the IPMS-NENY club treasury to make a donation of $500 to UNICEF earmarked for Ukrainian children. We appreciate everyone who supported the raffle and the show for helping make this donation possible. |
Visit the Noreastcon@50 pages to see the stats, access the contest results, and slideshows of the models on display.
More to See
Visit the member galleries!
Check out photos of our members' latest projects on our meetings page.
Visit our How-to pages for informative tips, techniques, and presentations.
Check out photos of our members' latest projects on our meetings page.
Visit our How-to pages for informative tips, techniques, and presentations.