Kwai Me a River Aris Pappas shares pictures and descriptions of his experience visiting Kanchanoburi, Thailand, site of the famous Bridge on the River Kwai and the infamous "Death Railway" during WWII. Behind the Scenes of Kermit Weeks' "Fantasy of Flight Museum" Brian Fowler recently had a behind the scenes tour of this well known flying museum in Florida. Brian couldn't be with us for the meeting and asked Tim Burke to run a photo presentation of this amazing collection. Show and Tell
The Sanford Cup Competition Returns! Our August in-person meeting brings the return of the Sanford Cup competition after a five year hiatus. This award, inspired by the late Al Sanford’s excellence in modeling and good sense of humor, is presented to the NENY member whose work is voted to be the best model exhibited at the chapter’s August meeting each year. The winner will take the cup home for the year and return it to the site of the next year’s August meeting. It's a friendly competition (as friendly as possible when modelers compete for anything) and an opportunity to put forward your best model of the recent past and enjoy good fellowship. We hope you'll participate next year! Here's a PDF of the rules. Contest Results Everyone who entered a model also qualified for, and received, a nifty commemorative coaster that was designed and 3D printed by our very own member, Jason Mantor. A huge thank you to Jason for his excellent work on this! 14 worthy entries vied for the honors this year with a close run result requiring a tie-breaking second round of voting. Brian Fowler's 1/32 Tamiya A6M2 Zero (entry #6) edged out Paul Dupree's build of the ancient box-scale Revell Pine Island seaplane tender (entry #9) by one vote! Here's a gallery of the entries and winner. Show and Tell
Several members displayed models not entered in competition for show and tell. Here are a few photos of the meeting and show and tell models. Commemorative Air Force Fly-in Photos A PT-13, RC-45J, T-6, B-29, and P-51D of the Commemorative Air Force visited the Schenectady County Airport on June 12-16 and members of the club toured the visiting aircraft. It was a beautiful afternoon to see these iconic aircraft up close and talk with the staff who maintain and fly them. Here's a short photo gallery of the aircraft. Show and Tell
Special Guest - Peter Vetri, President of Atlantis Models We are fortunate to have Peter from Atlantis joining us for our meeting. Atlantis is the premier manufacturer of new versions of vintage kits, which are made available to all of us for a stroll down memory lane or because no one else ever made a kit of that subject! Visit their website and check out their current and future releases! Other Meeting Highlights A peek behind the curtain at the IPMS Journal - Our NENY Zoom friend Shawn Hays has been working with the IPMS Journal team to help with the production process for the society's publication and he'd like to use our group as a mini-focus group to show us a new look and feel for the Journal and get some feedback from the group. Maybe we'll have a contest to see who has the oldest copy of the Journal! 😉 Building OLD kits - And since we're talking about older, vintage, classic, retro, etc. model kits...let's talk about that! We ALL have some in our stashes, but how many actually build them? What are the challenges? What are the rewards? How do you approach the project? What's different from building a newer kit? Show and Tell
Long Distance Flight, Small Scale Modeling by Harvey Low Harvey will take us on a journey recounting the longest military flight in WWII. That long-distance flight was not by a bomber, but a transport aircraft, and not by the Allies, but the Axis – it was the Italian Savoia Marchetti SM.75. flight and of course, Harvey will tell us about his project to model this iconic aircraft in 1/72nd. Boots and Saddles, Everyone! Brian Fowler will share photos he took at Fort Moore, GA (formerly Ft. Benning) last weekend where he and Shawn Hays visited the National Infantry Museum and the Armor and Cavalry Collection. Many of the tanks and artillery pieces that were previously at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD are now preserved, under cover ("and there was much rejoicing!!), at Fort Moore. The base and collection is normally closed to the public, but this was a special open house weekend where the public could view the collection, so this is an extra special treat for all of us!! Show and Tell
Tonight's meeting was the best attended yet! New members joined us and there were plenty of show and tell models on display, including many representing this month's theme of "bring something green". Galleries of our convivial group and models on display follow. Show and Tell Turnout tonight was strong with a couple of new members joining us. Decal buy/sell/swap/giveaway was tonight's activity accompanied by an informative round table discussion about decaling tips and techniques. The gallery below includes group shots and the show and tell projects members brought along to share. Photo Tour of Normandy D-Day Beaches Steve Zaloga presented a photo tour with running commentary about his visits to the D-Day beaches and shared some of his model recreations of scenes from the historic event. Steve graciously allowed us to share the photos in this gallery. Building a 1/32 Carrier Deck Display Base Brian Fowler built a stunning 1/32 Tamiya A6M2 Zero for his father (check out his build report in the December 7, 2023 Zoom meeting) and puts the cherry on top this meeting by sharing how he scratch built an equally impressive 1/32 section of the Soryu's deck as the Zero's display base. Enjoy the in-progress photos, commentary, and finished photos in this PDF. Show and Tell
A large contingent of our group braved cold, crappy winter weather to warm the cockles of their modeling hearts with the warm bonhomie of fellow modelers. Here's a few photos of the group, followed by photos of a demonstration and then the evening's show and tell models. Vacuum Forming for Modeling Made Easy (Or At Least Explained) February's in-person meeting featured a terrific live demonstration of vacuum forming tools and techniques by Nick Filippone. Nick routinely vac-u-forms large and small parts for his models when kit parts won't cut the mustard or simply do not exist. Check out the photo of his XB-15 below. Nick vac-u-formed the fuselage, engine nacelles, and clear parts in order to complete this fantastic model of an aircraft not available as a kit. Nick set up a selection of his vacuum forming tools: a modernized Mattel antique from the 1960s, a home-built unit for forming large parts, a commercial unit marketed to modelers, and a deluxe sucker marketed to the dental trade but very useful for modeling projects. Photos and captions follow. Show and Tell One More New Years Pledge!
Dave Pratt joined the cadre of NENY resolution-keepers with his pledge to finish a Shelf of Doom kit by the June Meeting, and a new kit by the December meeting. |
Upcoming MeetingsOnline meetings held the first Thursday of the month. Next Zoom meeting will be 9/5/24. Archives
August 2024
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